
While most people try to view discrimination as a “thing Screen Shot 2017-04-19 at 8.01.56 AMof the past,”
it still exists in today’s society.  This can be particularly detrimental for the minorities that make up nearly one-third of the U.S. workforce (Burns).  It can prevent people from being hired or promoted in high paying jobs and cause additional stress for the victims of workplace discrimination.  While the federal government has passed laws that prevent workplace discrimination, one should still be aware of what it is and what to do about it.


Works Cited

Burns, Crosby, Kimberly Barton, and Sophia Kerby. “The State of Diversity in Today’s Workforce.” Center for American Progress, americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2012/07/12/11938/the-state-of-diversity-in-todays-workforce/. Last modified July 12, 2012.